Online & E-Learning

Canvas, Course Design, Instructional Tools and Online Learning support.

Services (11)

Canvas Support

Information about Canvas support.

Course Evaluations

All requests concerning Course Evaluations.

Instructional Design

Service for faculty to request assistance with course design in Canvas.

Lecture Capture, Media Creation, and Online Course Meetings

Information about current course media creation options, including lecture capture and virtual class meetings/office hours tools.

LMS Training and professional development

Information about where to find help with instructional technology tools at SCC and online training for those tools.

Lockdown browser

LockDown Browser is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment in Canvas.

Online and Hybrid course review and approval

Information about the SCC Online and Hybrid course review process and current peer reviewers.

Sandbox/Development shell request

Request a custom Canvas course shell to be used as a sandbox or development shell.

Simple Syllabus

General questions concerning Simple Syllabus.

Student Assessment Software, Proctoring, and Tutoring

Information about current student assessment software, online proctoring, and online tutoring services.

Zoom Canvas Support

Zoom is SCC's web-conferencing system that has also been integrated into Canvas.