LMS Training and professional development

What is it?

The Online and E-Learning Department can meet with you to discuss the various instructional technology tools available to you at SCC, the objective for your course/assignment/discussion or other activity, and how those tools may fit your need. In addition, we have online training for many of the instructional technology tools available on campus, we offer training sessions throughout the semester, and we can also provide one-on-one training as well.

Our online courses are:

OEL Faculty Training: Online by Design (where you will find Canvas and Quality Matters training)

OEL Training: Teaching with Tech (where you will find training for individual tools)

A current list of SCC instructional technology tools found in the Teaching with Tech training are:

  • Accessibility training
  • Badgr (badging software)
  • CidiLabs Design Tools (course design tools)
  • Examity (online proctoring)
  • Perusall (online annotation tool)
  • TidyUp (clean-up tool for course files)
  • UDoIt (course accessibility checker)
  • UniCheck (plagiarism checker)
  • Yuja (lecture capture and media creator for courses)

To make an appointment with an instructional designer, please contact:

Who can use it?

SCC Faculty can request this service.

Where can I access this service?

Please click the "Request service" on this page or contact the service desk at it-servicedesk@stchas.edu or call (636) 922-8555.