My Recently Visited Services

Installed A/V equipment in not functioning properly in a classroom or you have general questions about how to operate the equipment.

Request access to dotCMS to edit webpages on the SCC website.

Assistance with printing problems in the classrooms and labs.

Phishing is an identity-theft scam that fake emails and websites to trick people into giving out personal information.

Information about where to find help with instructional technology tools at SCC and online training for those tools.

Queue management for Student Services area.

For requesting the creation of a new group in Microsoft Teams.

SCC provides employees with VPN access upon request.

Request software to be installed/updated on a shared machine or in a computer lab

Use this form for both new and recurring data extract requests. Data extract examples: Student contact information, course enrollment information, success rates, etc.

Includes troubleshooting of software applications, software installation and software updates on SCC owned devices.

Report issues on the mySCC Portal and website.

Includes installation of a local or network printer on an SCC computer and basic troubleshooting of printing issues.

Assistance with computer hardware problems in the classroom.

Services regarding the WiFi networks at SCC.

Emergency phones are located in all elevators, hallways and classrooms of every building. They are also located in the parking lots on campus.

Groundskeeping is responsible for maintaining proper appearance of campus grounds.

Request a custom Canvas course shell to be used as a sandbox or development shell.

Assistance with Technology in the Virtual Hospital rooms which can include Mannikins, Touch Pro monitors and Instructors tablets/laptops.

Request IT resources for new employees.