Emergency phones

What is it?

Building and parking lot safety services are provided for students and faculty throughout the year. If you need to contact a Public Safety officer, you may inquire at the Welcome Center in the Administration Building, use the phone located at the Welcome Center to call the Department of Public Safety at extension 8545, use a cell phone to call 636-922-8545 or ask any staff member to call the Department of Public Safety (DPS).​​​​​​​ Emergency phones are located in all elevators, hallways and classrooms of every building.​​​​​​​

Emergency phones are located in the following parking lots:

  • Red Parking Extension, Sidewalk to ADM
  • Red Parking Lot, in Front of ADM
  • Green Parking Lot, Sidewalk Between Green & Blue Lot
  • Blue Parking Lot, Near LRC
  • Yellow Parking Lot, Near SSB
  • Purple Parking Lot, Sidewalk to SSB
  • Orange Parking Lot, Sidewalk to TECH
  • Campus Lake Apartments

Emergency phones are located in all parking lots of Dardenne Creek Campus.

If you need the assistance of a Public Safety Officer, just press the red button on the box and it will connect you to a dispatcher.

The DPS office operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. DPS will provide an escort to your car if needed.

If there any issues with an emergency phone on campus that needs to be reported please use the request service option on this page.

Who can use it?

Faculty/staff and students can use emergency phones that are located on campus in the parking lots.

Where can I access this service?

Please click the "Request service" on this page or contact the service desk at it-servicedesk@stchas.edu or call (636) 922-8555.

Request Service


Service ID: 48863
Mon 2/15/21 5:56 PM
Mon 3/8/21 3:03 PM