Checking inbox rules

Checking Inbox Rules

Your account may have been compromised and had inbox rules set up to automatically delete your new e-mails. To fix this you will need to login and check your inbox rules. Follow these steps to do so:

Outlook Application:

  1. At the top of the page, select Settings .

  2. Select Mail > Rules.

  3. In the rule you want to delete, select Delete.

Outlook Web Version: 

  1. In a web browser, sign in to Outlook Web App by going to Enter your user name and password, and then select Sign in.
  2. At the top of the page, select Settings > Options.
  3. In Options, select Organize email > Inbox rules
  4. If you see any rules posted here, click the trash icon to delete them. After this, check your deleted mail and restore any items you may need.



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Article ID: 162026
Fri 5/10/24 2:22 PM
Tue 5/28/24 11:10 AM