
Official Transcripts

You can retrieve an official transcript by going through Search for St. Charles Community College and it will walk you through the rest. Make sure to search for "St. Charles" and not "Saint Charles" as St. Charles Community College is our official name. You will need either your student ID# or your Social Security Number. If you choose the student ID# but do not remember what yours is, you can call 636-922-8555 and we can give it to you after an over-the-phone verification. From there, the National Student Clearinghouse will send your official transcript to the desired address.


Unofficial Transcript

To retrieve a copy of your unofficial transcript you'll need to log-in to your MySCC Portal -> Navigate to "SCC Connection" -> Select "Students" -> Select "Academic Profile" -> Select "Unofficial Transcript". From there, you will be directed to a page where you can download a .pdf copy. If you have any issues, please call us at (636) 922-8555.




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Article ID: 162022
Fri 5/10/24 1:51 PM
Tue 5/28/24 11:01 AM