MyLab LockDown Browser

If you will be using MyLab to take your quizzes and tests, you will need to download and use the version of LockDown Browser made for MyLab.  Tests requiring LockDown Browser must be taken on a computer or a laptop.  They cannot be taken on a phone, tablet, or a Chromebook.  You will download and install this version from MyLab. Do not go to the LockDown browser website to make an account or download LockDown browser from there; you need to do this from your course in MyLab. If you have downloaded the Canvas version of LockDown Browser for another class, both versions of LockDown Browser can be installed on your computer at the same time, but you need to be sure to go to MyLab when taking your test and use the MyLab version of LockDown Browser.

Follow the steps below to take your MyLab test with LockDown Browser:

  1. Go to your test in MyLab and click Start Test.
  2. The MyLab version of LockDown Browser will then launch if installed on your computer. If not installed, you will be prompted to download the browser and perform the install.
  3. The test will open in the MyLab version of LockDown Browser.  DO NOT use the Canvas version of LockDown browser to take MyLab tests, or you will receive an error and be unable to take your test. 
  4. Note: once a test has been started with Respondus LockDown Browser, you cannot exit until the Submit Answers button is clicked.

If a quiz requires LockDown Browser and a webcam, at this point the Startup Sequence for the webcam begins.

  1. You will first need to review and agree to the Terms of Use.
  2. The Webcam Check will confirm that your webcam and microphone are working properly.
  3. The remaining steps of the Startup Sequence will depend on settings chosen by your instructor.
  4. Follow the instructions and note your progress along the left side of the screen.
  5. If you encounter a problem, select the It’s not working link for troubleshooting tips.
  6. The test will begin after the Startup Sequence is complete.
  7. Note: You cannot exit LockDown Browser until the test is submitted for grading.
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Article ID: 132909
Tue 6/29/21 9:44 AM
Mon 7/26/21 10:18 AM